Saturday, November 28, 2020

Music Choice

 Since this our second time around making a film the music choice was fairly easy decision. We first toyed around with the idea of emailing some people in order to get permission to use some music to. We figured that the would be too much trouble as people are really take time to answer back emails. We finally came to the decision to use Walking on Sunshine. Since most our film is going to be natural sounds we wanted to stray away from using too much music otherwise the audience would not be able to focus on the action that is going on in the movie. Like I said earlier the hardest part about trying to get any music was asking for permission from people who own the rights to the song. Our last project it took nearly 2 months for someone to get back to us about one song. How we can to decide on walking on Sunshine I have no idea. We were throwing back songs ideas back and forth and my partner said Walking on Sunshine and somehow we both agreed. I'm really curious to see how we incorporate

the sounds and song into our film. 

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